The Captive Princess (Lawton)
A Story Based on the Life of the Young Pocahontas
On the eastern shores of the North American wilderness lives an Algonquin princess named Pocahontas, a curious 10-year-old who loves exploring the tidewater lands of her people. One day she encounters strangers, a group of people who look different from her own. She befriends them, and when her people come into conflict with these new settlers, Pocahontas courageously attempts to save a life by offering her own. Based on the true story of Pocahontas’ early life.
- Author: Wendy Lawton
- Pages: 144
- Paperback
- Published in 2008
Product Details:
- Paperback: 144 pages
- Published: 2008
- ISBN : 9780802476401
- Author: Wendy Lawton
WENDY LAWTON , an award-winning writer, sculptor, and doll designer, founded the Lawton Doll Company in 1979. She currently works as an agent for the Books & Such Literary Agency. Wendy has written numerous books, including six for her Daughters of Faith series and four for her Real TV series. Wendy is active in her church and is a frequent speaker for women's groups. Wendy and her husband, Keith, are parents to three adult children and live in Hilmar, California.
Pocahontas has long been a favorite character of mine, and Wendy Lawton brings her to glorious life in The Captive Princess. Through Lawton’s excellent research and vivid writing, Pocahontas walked out of the dense forest and into my heart. This book is a treasure!
-Angela Hunt, author of Uncharted